As Without, So Within — We Already Experience Heaven & Hell
As above, so below
We often interpret biblical texts at face value. We consider the heavens being way out of our solar system, above the stars and out of sight, and hell being the unseen magma beneath the earths core. Yet access to these dimensions are restricted from human form. They only exist as ideas in the way we describe them, but are deep and complex beyond the laws of physics and the combined brainpower of all who have ever lived. You may suffer one day and experience joy the next. You may choose to suffer, or have it thrust upon you. Maybe your cosmic joke is that you are born into a disabled body, with the desire of becoming a great athlete.
Our references to them help relate them to our material existence, being able to experience both good and bad in this world, often unaware of the mechanics beneath this, the unknowable karmic ledger that operates the system of duality. Light and shadow depend on each other to continue to coexist. The shadow appears larger when the object is closer to the light, and vice versa, meaning that we cannot move closer to the light without acknowledging our shadow.
Sometimes we fly too high and need grounding or anchoring through our lowest form of material attachment, and sometimes we must break the shackles of these in order to move closer to the light.
The Shadow
We often seek to understand why bad things happen through rational explanations, rather that striving to face our own truth of why. We call it ‘determinism’ when we feel lazy and unwilling move closer to the light, yet feel like we are on the ‘right path’ when we do the work and push ourselves.
When we try to move from suffering we venture deeper into it. When we do the work we live in peace.
Everything is so intricately connected, and you can see this clearly from without and within. The flourishing meadow is telling you something about yourself, just as the roaring ocean is testing you in stormy conditions. Listen to yourself, listen to nature, they are one and the same.
Jungle is Massive.