How can we know what our past lives were like?
How can we know what our past lives were like?
Do we rely on the evidence of the few who experience past life regressions, or that hold vivid memories of their past lives?
Why is this topic even important to us?
For those of us that have experienced some form of psychotherapy, we know that there is often a connection drawn between our current misalignment or suffering and a past experience, usually from childhood, often with repetitive instances in adulthood.
The analysis often stops at focussing on memorable experience. Perhaps we notice a pattern of behaviour in our adult life, as a result of a childhood trauma, and this knowledge creates a sense of freedom from being stuck in a repetitive loop.
This can manifest in your approach to relationships, work, challenges, physical, mental, emotional etc. Perhaps it is affecting one of them, or perhaps all of them?
Is this just a symptom of your life experience or is it something far deeper?
Why did something specific happen to you?
Why do you face these repetitive patterns?
Why do you feel an affinity with a certain career or person?
The idea of Karma in both Buddhism and Hinduism relates to an individual’s actions, both from past lives and present. It is somewhat intangible to modern science, yet many of us use this term very casually to describe action and causation.
There may be something so triggering in your life that is difficult to rationalise, because you have a deep emotional connection to it. There may also be something so beautiful that you question why people are so lax towards it.
Some of us feel a calling towards a certain career because of a recognition that there is something within us to repair, to express, or to share with others.
Some of us fight for survival being tormented by recurring loops that we are not ready to repair yet.
Perhaps we committed atrocities in a past life, perhaps we were a saint? Perhaps we had stronger values than others and our ‘lighter’ transgressions are far more severe. Maybe for you, preserving the sanctity of was not only not to murder a person, but perhaps not to murder an animal for food, or a fly for annoying you.
We can experience heaven and hell on earth, and we can change our karma through acknowledgement of our truth and a willingness to act on it.
This is not about morality, as we redefine our conception of morality on a daily basis. What is considered hedonistic one day, could be healing the next, and what is an act of self-love one day, could be selfish depending on who this affects.
So what…
This is more about facing our truth, both personally and acknowledging our interconnectedness as a species. This is to acknowledge that without any memory of our past lives, or if they exist for that matter we are guided only by experience and emotion. We apply intellect to trying to understand things and to accomplishing things, but this is merely the egoic servant of our soul.
Our limitations as humans are a blessing in that we are locked into this game, with little awareness of what we are doing here, yet we have this etheric voice guiding us through it and we learn to trust it more and more, even when it is dragging us through the cleansing fires of hell, in this life and the next.
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