Psychedelic Integration Guide
So you’ve decided to return to this dimension…
Welcome Back!
Sorry about the mess, it may not be as you left it, much like when you leave a place only to find a change in the cityscape upon visiting a few years down the line.
It may take time to readjust back into your skin bag, but luckily you have discovered a half-cooked instruction manual to assist you.
Do not worry, everything is as it should be, and whether you have had a smooth landing or crashed back down to earth let’s take some time to familiarise you with how things work here.
Everything is temporary.
Your state of mind, thoughts and emotions will change, you are currently slightly more sensitive to them however.
This is good. This is how we learn about ourselves.
- Somatic side
You have a body. A weird bipedal organism made in the image of god. Let’s play with it!
Let’s play with stillness, movement, manipulation through massage. Let’s play with velocity, walking, running, rolling on the grass or sand.
Let’s remember how this exquisite piece of equipment functions as our experiencer of this world.
Let’s relax it, expose to hot water, cold water, soft clothes, no clothes.
Listen to your body.
Maybe you only need a 1km walk or a 5 minute stretch. Maybe you need to run a marathon?
What ever you feel your body needs, indulge it. Yoga, massage, a walk, a bath, a run, lying on the floor, and an old favourite dance!
Dance is the somatic language. Dance is a way of expressing emotion, releasing something and communicating something.
2. Start From Stillness
Feeling achy? Feeling tired? Feeling like movement is not the play?
Be still, explore the point of occurrence and begin to slowly move or manipulate that point, it may have been a rough journey and the vessel requires some delicate adjustment.
Perhaps this should have been before movement, but start from zero.
Be still. Feel the body.
Then begin to move slowly, intuitively. Move into the parts of your body that are drawing your attention. Move with subtilty. Indulge the new found sensitivity.
3. Breath
4. Mind
So you like to think about stuff?
Take you time. Maybe you feel confused or maybe everything makes perfect sense?
Perhaps you had an epiphany and perhaps you are confused?
All will be revealed in time. You may be working with some new material or have uncovered a dark past. Maybe you visited the void or met Jesus? Maybe you encountered something unknown to you and cannot locate it rationally or intellectually?
This is fine. The desire to make sense of these things using intellect or ‘knowledge’ is only human. It is what makes us human. But what also makes us human is the intelligence in the body, in emotion, in intuition.
This is not a sudoku where we must fill in the blanks to create order, this is a Rubik’s cube where we must readjust the blocks to move closer to the answer.
These these things require expressing. Perhaps through tears, perhaps through laughter, perhaps through mouth noises, perhaps through any of the myriad miracles the body is capable of performing.
5. Senses
You are a sensual being.
Indulge yourself.
Cook a meal, eat chocolate, drink teas, light scented candles, touch yourself, be touched, listen to music, play music, watch something that feels good.
Use your eyes as the window to your soul. This can be as simple as staring at a plant, the sky, or even some satisfying computer generated video. Feel the vision.
You have just been reborn, indulge these senses as if for the first time.
6. Connection
This is the most important thing to do.
You are reintegrating into the world, into your body, into your race.
You belong to a large organism of human beans.
These beans love you.
Talk to them. Maybe you have some beans that you feel you can confide in. Perhaps they are therapists, perhaps friends, perhaps strangers, perhaps yourself. Writing can be as cathartic as conversation, because who knows you better than yourself?
We all experience emotion, whether we want to or not, and the simplest way of making sense of these is to share them. Have the heard. Have them reflected.
A hug, a touch, a high five — anything that breaks the illusion of physical separateness can be profoundly grounding.
This is to physically reintegrate into your pack. To know that you belong, that we are all part of the same oneness, no matter how different we look or act — we all look, we all act.
7. Nature
Take the term grounding literally. Reconnect with the ground.
Walk barefoot on the earth, forest bathe, swim in the sea, listen to the birdsong, pet a racoon.
You are a part of this magnificent ball of life, whether or not you understand how it works or communicates. The nurture of mother nature can hold you like the new-born you are, can soothe you with its deep greens, calming blues and endless sounds, smells and natural movements.
Nature reminds us to flow with our true nature.
Final Thought
Know that you are loved. That love dwells within you.
Be brave enough to share that love and watch how the world loves you back.
note: feedback, comments and suggestions are more than welcome. These ideas should appeal to the many.